AlArabia Outdoor Advertising, the out of home advertising leader in the last 36 years, was ranked the fourth best workplace in KSA in 2019 by “Best Places to Work” Organization.
On this occasion, Mohamed AlKhereiji, CEO of AlArabia said: “The success of any company is based on the success of its personnel and the creation of a positive work place that enables its employees to maximize their efforts and potentials. As a national company, we always seek to be the leaders of excellence and innovation.”
AlArabia houses more than 226 employees in 25 cities in KSA. It organizes a variety of in-house events throughout the year and allows its employees to participate in all international days, creating a harmonized workplace and a family environment. Al Arabia, further supports its employees by training to enable them to perform their tasks and allow for their career development.
AlArabia seeks to saudize its jobs and accordingly was classified in the Platinum Nitaqat Program in 2018.